Frequency Asked Questions
Who can apply for admission?
All students of all academic backgrounds are welcome to enroll at the schools. Admission to the school is open to any student in grade K through 8 based on availability within the class.
When is the enrollment application deadline?
Enrollment is open year-round as long as there is space within the class.
When do I know for sure that my child has been accepted for enrollment?
Once the Enrollment Specialist receives all of the completed documents, they will contact the parent/guardian and communicate enrollment has been completed.
Do you offer free or reduced price lunch?
Yes, any student that wants to participate may receive breakfast and lunch free of charge.
Do you have tutoring?
Yes, the school offers after-school tutoring to students based on the availability of teachers.
Why are the school hours so long?
The school day is longer so that we can ensure that we are providing rigorous instructional time for our students to master core concepts throughout the day.
When do the students eat breakfast?
Breakfast is served as soon as students arrive every morning.
Does the school offer extracurricular or athletic activities?
The school offers a multitude of clubs and after-school activities.